What Are You Thankful For?

Give Thanks this ThanksgivingThanksgiving is just around the corner, and for many families, it is the most celebrated holiday of the entire year. Thanksgiving is a special holiday, one that does not include gift-giving, but simply being thankful for what you have and for life itself. It’s a time where you enjoy family and friends, sit around a large table and partake in a delicious feast of everyone’s favorite dishes. The entire purpose of this holiday is to give thanks and enjoy life.

During this season, it is normal for one to ask, “what am I thankful for?” Maybe this isn’t a question we ponder too often, but it really should be. Instead of asking this question of ourselves once a year, why not ask yourself this question at least once a day? Be thankful for life, breath, health, blue skies and clouds, the ability to work and to play, a place to lay your head at night, a cup of coffee in the morning, friends to talk to, laughter, a note from a friend, and tiny, sweet moments of bliss like eating a piece of your favorite candy. I wonder how much it could change the trajectory of your day to start by asking yourself what you are thankful for. Adding up the small moments of joy that occur in a single day could change your entire outlook on life itself.

Thanksgiving Meal with Family
Photo courtesy of Waiting on Martha

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, we decided to ask Glik’s Home Office what they were thankful for:

“THANKSGIVING!!!! My fondest memory was having everyone at our home for Thanksgiving and at the dining room table we had a bowl of buckeye nuts from a buckeye tree. Each member of our family pulled a buckeye and said what they were thankful for in their life. NOTE: My Grandfather; Morris Glik always kept a buckeye in his pocket for good luck.”

-Jeff Glik, President/CEO

“Health and family.”

-Jim Glik, Vice President/Men’s Buyer

“I’m thankful for my 3-year-old son who makes every day an adventure. His optimism, sense of humor and lovingness bring me out of my most bitter moments. He is like the pumpkin spice creamer to my coffee!”

-Tyler Wheeler, Graphic Designer/Web Developer

“I am thankful for my family and for my career at Glik’s that has allowed me the “perfect” balance between family and my career. I am also thankful to work with such an outstanding group of people!! I have met some amazing people working at Glik’s and I continue to work with a group of amazing people.”

-Christy Haudrich, Regional Manager

“I am thankful that I have 2 families in my life. My 1st family is my husband, mother, father, siblings and their families. My 2nd family is my Glik family which includes all of my co-workers and everyone at Glik’s!”

-LeaAnn Runyon, Regional Manager

“This is easy!  I am thankful for my new (and the first ever) Great Niece, Riley Michelle.  Born 11/8/13.   I am also thankful that my 88 year old dad has become a Great Grandfather for the very first time.”

-Kathy Schopp, Buyer

“I am thankful for all of my amazing co-workers!  In particular I am thankful for Laurel Vernier.  In the past year and a half that I have been with Glik’s, she has not only shown me the ropes, but continues to be an amazing mentor throughout my career on a daily basis.  I know I wouldn’t be as successful as I am without her help and guidance and for that I will be forever thankful.”

-Shannon Forcade, Sr. Assistant Buyer/Sr. Co-Manager Distribution Center

“I’m thankful for the camaraderie of my co-workers. I genuinely enjoy the company of those that I’m surrounded by every day.”

-Kindra Brewer, Sr. Assistant Buyer

“Thankful for…Family and Friends.

New and Old

Near and Far

Work and Home

In Heaven and on Earth

Family and Friends are a gift from God and we should cherish every moment.”

-Mary Pavlik, Footwear Buyer/C.O.O./Director of I.S.

“I am thankful for my beautiful children, they make me so happy, keep me smiling constantly and make me a better person! I am thankful for my family. They mean the world to me! And I am thankful for my co-workers, they make my job even more fun!!”

-Jenna Smith, Buyer

“For me personally, as you grow up, you begin to truly appreciate everything surrounding you. I am most thankful for my education, health, family and friends. I have wonderful family and friends in my life who are constantly there for me and extremely supportive. I’m learning to take less for granted and realizing how thankful I am for everything in my life.”

-Laurel Vernier, Sr. Assistant Buyer

“I am thankful for my coworkers.”

-Nicole,  Buyer

“I am thankful for the gift of love, family & friendships. To have a loving husband, supporting family, and encouraging friends makes the hard days easier.

I am also thankful for my heath and safety in a world that faces struggles and hardships every day. It’s easy to take those things for granted, but it is a blessing to reflect on what you have!”

-Kristin Kuhnke, Sr. Assistant Buyer

“I’m thankful I get to be with my family for Christmas this year (Christmas in January counts, right?!). I’m also grateful for my health and for sweet friends who are a blessing to me daily.”

-Sara Garza, Sr. Assistant Buyer

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