In a recent interview with Pink Pewter founder and designer Mireya Villarreal, she mentioned the upcoming release of the Pink Pewter jewelry line. The line was to consist of bold pieces that she described as “glitzy with diamonds and sparkle.” We are happy to announce that Pink Pewter jewelry has finally arrived at Glik’s!
Mireya gleans inspiration for her designs from architecture and designs of buildings that she sees on her travels. She also gets inspired from nature, which is apparent in the Pink Pewter jewelry line.
The Pink Pewter necklaces, bracelet cuffs, and earrings consist of real stones that she acquires during her travels. All of the Pink Pewter pieces are statement pieces that would enhance any outfit. They are all designed in appealing color combinations that include black, gold, turquoise, pink, maroon, and orange just to name a few.
Check out our other Pink Pewter blogs below: