Glik's Earth Day 2023

Glik's Celebrates Earth Day

Earth Day is on Saturday, April 22nd, 2023 and this year’s initiative is to take action and be a part of the green revolution. It reminds us to support and spread awareness for environmental protection and celebrate the beauty of nature in our everyday lives. As a company, Glik’s has taken steps to help our environment by incorporating sustainability practices within our stores and communities. Here are a few ways we are striving to keep our Earth green!

Sustainable Vendor Partnerships

We work with several vendors who have really made it their mission to protect our planet. Patagonia, The North Face, and Cotopaxi are just a few of the amazing vendors we carry that either use recycled/repurposed materials, donate profits to environmental organizations, or connect with communities to get them involved within the environmental movement. Our vendors also strive to decrease their carbon footprint which is a big issue for the retail industry.

Glik’s Parks – Joe Glik Park in Edwardsville, IL and Glik Park in Highland, IL

Glik’s are benefactors of two community parks in the Southern Illinois area. Keeping trees alive and nature available for ones to explore is important for generations to come, so we are proud to partner with them.

Reusable Shopping Bags

Our Edwardsville, IL store has a city tax for using plastic bags which encourages customers to use their reusable bags more often. We also sell reusable shopping bags for customers to purchase.

Less Demolitions

When Glik’s opens a new store, we tend to open in an existing building or strip center, so there is no need for big demolitions polluting the air. This allows for little construction and less waste.

Recycling Program

We recycle plastic, canned, and cardboard products at our corporate office and make sure we are disposing of all items correctly. We recycle old electronics at a neighboring recycling facility as well.

 Joe Glik Park in Edwardsville IL

Even with the different green initiatives Glik’s has partaken in over the past few years, we know there is still a long way to go. We hope this inspires you to do something to protect your environment in some way. Buying from sustainable retailers, recycling, limiting plastic, or carpooling can all help our Earth. Remember be the change you want to see in the world and Happy Earth Day!

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